3D cartoon of a blue and green prokaryote on a teal background. Part of the cell is cutaway to reveal its circular chromosome.
A Hunt for Clues to the Origins of the Eukaryotic Immune System
Homologous defense proteins in archaea and eukaryotes point to these early prokaryotes' role in the immune system of modern complex organisms.
A Hunt for Clues to the Origins of the Eukaryotic Immune System
A Hunt for Clues to the Origins of the Eukaryotic Immune System

Homologous defense proteins in archaea and eukaryotes point to these early prokaryotes' role in the immune system of modern complex organisms.

Homologous defense proteins in archaea and eukaryotes point to these early prokaryotes' role in the immune system of modern complex organisms.


Immune Genes Protect Cells from Ebola Virus and SARS-CoV-2
Rachael Moeller Gorman | Dec 1, 2020 | 3 min read
A pathway involved in the adaptive immune system, a relative newcomer in the world of pathogen defense, may have a more ancient role in protecting cells from invading viruses.
Image of the Day: Turtle Ant Soldiers
Amy Schleunes | Mar 12, 2020 | 1 min read
Big heads come in handy when the social insects are tasked with defending their nest.
soldier nymph aphid Nipponaphis monzeni social defense
Image of the Day: Aphid Nurses
Chia-Yi Hou | Apr 16, 2019 | 1 min read
To their own detriment, aphid nymphs release body fluids that clot up a plant’s wound caused by insects predating on the gall where the colony lives.
Image of the Day: Light Show
Carolyn Wilke | Feb 7, 2019 | 1 min read
Sea fireflies spew a mucus with a chemical glow to lure mates and avoid being eaten.
War Dance of the Honeybee
Karl Gruber | Feb 1, 2018 | 2 min read
One species has developed a novel waggle to warn about invading wasps.
Australian Magpie-Lark Duet
The Scientist | Nov 30, 2017 | 1 min read
The birds sing together to help defend their territory.
A New Species of Gecko Defensively Sheds Its Scales
Diana Kwon | Feb 8, 2017 | 1 min read
Geckolepis megalepis escapes its predators by rapidly detaching its fish-like scales.
Butterflies Weaponize Milkweed Toxins
Geoffrey Giller | Nov 4, 2015 | 3 min read
Monarch and queen caterpillars store toxic compounds from their milkweed diet to ward off predators into adulthood, a new study suggests.
Opinion: Biodefense Innovation Needed
Joe Lieberman and Tom Ridge | Oct 27, 2015 | 3 min read
To protect against biological threats, federal agencies and other key stakeholders should commit to a strategic, unified approach.
Beetle Bomb
Jenny Rood | May 1, 2015 | 2 min read
High-speed X-ray video reveals how bombardier beetles control their toxic sprays.
Distracting Tails
Jenny Rood | Feb 17, 2015 | 2 min read
Luna moths use their long tails to throw bats off their trail.
SAIC Founder Dies
Kerry Grens | Dec 30, 2014 | 1 min read
J. Robert Beyster, who established one of the largest research and engineering firms, passed away at age 90.
Toxin Evolution
Abby Olena, PhD | Jan 16, 2014 | 1 min read
Researchers show that scorpion venom toxins are closely related to defensive proteins from venomous insects.
Really Bad Breath
Abby Olena, PhD | Jan 3, 2014 | 2 min read
Tobacco hornworms release puffs of nicotine that deter some predators.
Behavior Brief
Tracy Vence | Nov 17, 2013 | 3 min read
A round-up of recent discoveries in behavior research
Selling an Anthrax Scare?
Kate Yandell | May 21, 2013 | 2 min read
A US government advisor warned officials of the dangers of antibiotic-resistant anthrax while profiting from antitoxin sales.
The Sea Hare’s Chemical Attack
Kate Yandell | Mar 29, 2013 | 1 min read
The slug-like marine animals squirt a substance at lobsters that makes the predators lose their ability to smell.
Insect Wing Kills Bacteria
Jef Akst | Mar 6, 2013 | 2 min read
The nanoscale structure of a clanger cicada’s wings destroys threatening microbes on contact.
Sharks Glow to Frighten Predators
Kate Yandell | Feb 21, 2013 | 1 min read
Bioluminescent arcs on a deep-sea lantern shark’s dorsal side highlight its spines.