A golden retriever shakes off water on a sunny lawn.
What Drives the "Wet Dog Shakes" Reflex in Furry Animals?
Scientists identified the mechanoreceptor that triggers the distinctive shake-off behavior observed in mice when they become wet.
What Drives the "Wet Dog Shakes" Reflex in Furry Animals?
What Drives the "Wet Dog Shakes" Reflex in Furry Animals?

Scientists identified the mechanoreceptor that triggers the distinctive shake-off behavior observed in mice when they become wet.

Scientists identified the mechanoreceptor that triggers the distinctive shake-off behavior observed in mice when they become wet.

dorsal root ganglia

Rounded red and green fluorescent cells are visible on a light and dark gray background
Neurons Firing Together Generate Spontaneous Pain
Abby Olena, PhD | Nov 10, 2021 | 4 min read
Abnormal sympathetic neuron growth leads to simultaneous activation of clusters of sensory neurons, causing the difficult-to-treat sensation.
How Evolution Made the Highveld Mole Rat Impervious to Ant Stings
Shawna Williams | Sep 1, 2019 | 5 min read
Researchers identify changes to a pain receptor and to an ion channel that appear to enable the rodents to colonize otherwise inhospitable burrows.
Stressed Rodents Make Different Choices
Katarina Zimmer | Mar 1, 2018 | 4 min read
Chronic stress tweaks a circuit in the brain that influences how lab rodents make tough decisions. 
How Vampire Bats Find Veins
Jessica P. Johnson | Aug 4, 2011 | 3 min read
Heat-sensing protein channels in vampire bats allow the flying mammals to find the best place to sink their teeth into their prey.