Mouse Stem Cells Made to Form Embryo-Like Structures
Mouse Stem Cells Made to Form Embryo-Like Structures
With just a molecular nudge, aggregates of embryonic stem cells take shape as a “gastroloid,” bearing the genetic hallmarks and spatial organization of early development.
Mouse Stem Cells Made to Form Embryo-Like Structures
Mouse Stem Cells Made to Form Embryo-Like Structures

With just a molecular nudge, aggregates of embryonic stem cells take shape as a “gastroloid,” bearing the genetic hallmarks and spatial organization of early development.

With just a molecular nudge, aggregates of embryonic stem cells take shape as a “gastroloid,” bearing the genetic hallmarks and spatial organization of early development.


Embryoid bodies, at the top of the page, are a cluster of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) that differentiate portions into ectoderm (orange), mesoderm (dark blue), and endoderm (pink).
Infographic: The Many Paths to Stem Cell-Based Embryo Models
Shelby Bradford, PhD | Sep 13, 2024 | 5 min read
Culturing pluripotent stem cells to replicate different stages of embryonic development allows researchers to more easily investigate this period.