Two vaccine syringes on a baggy labelled with San Diego Zoo and Bonobo
Can Animals Get Covid and Should They Be Vaccinated?
While covid has caused illness and millions of deaths among humans, multiple nonhuman animal species have turned out to be susceptible to it, too.
Can Animals Get Covid and Should They Be Vaccinated?
Can Animals Get Covid and Should They Be Vaccinated?

While covid has caused illness and millions of deaths among humans, multiple nonhuman animal species have turned out to be susceptible to it, too.

While covid has caused illness and millions of deaths among humans, multiple nonhuman animal species have turned out to be susceptible to it, too.


Q&A: Minks Can Transmit SARS-CoV-2 to Humans, Study Shows
Max Kozlov | Nov 13, 2020 | 4 min read
Whole genome sequencing of the virus infecting the farm animals showed that it spread from the workers to the mink and back, indicating that an animal could serve as a viral reservoir.
Denmark to Cull 17 Million Mink Amid SARS-CoV-2 Mutation Concerns
Lisa Winter | Nov 5, 2020 | 2 min read
Government authorities say because the animals are good hosts of the novel coronavirus, and this new viral variant could undermine vaccine efforts against COVID-19, they are destroying the nation's entire stock of mink.