Mariella Bodemeier Loayza Careaga, PhD | Mar 13, 2024 | 5 min read
An endoplasmic reticulum associated protein holds mitochondria in place in dendrites. This spatial stabilization possibly provides a local energy source for synaptic plasticity.
Following decades of being called “the powerhouse of the cell,” researchers recently proposed a new description that reflects the multifaceted roles of mitochondria.
Altering the rate of respiration in mitochondria changes how fast neurons grow, making mouse neurons grow more like human ones and vice versa, a study finds.
The Duke University cell biologist uses live-cell microscopy to reveal how brain cells rid themselves of damaged mitochondria and what goes wrong in neurodegenerative disease.
A lot happened in the hundreds of millions years separating the first and last eukaryotic common ancestors, but when and how most features arose remains a mystery.