coral reef with yellow and blue fish
Rat Infestation Takes a Toll on Nearby Coral Reefs
A study shows that by killing off seabirds on islands, rodents slash the flow of nutrients into the ocean.
Rat Infestation Takes a Toll on Nearby Coral Reefs
Rat Infestation Takes a Toll on Nearby Coral Reefs

A study shows that by killing off seabirds on islands, rodents slash the flow of nutrients into the ocean.

A study shows that by killing off seabirds on islands, rodents slash the flow of nutrients into the ocean.


Rat Infestation Takes a Toll on Nearby Coral Reefs
Shawna Williams | Jul 12, 2018 | 1 min read
A study shows that by killing off seabirds on islands, rodents slash the flow of nutrients into the ocean.
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EPA to Address Nitrogen Pollution
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The federal agency should reduce harmful nitrogen emissions by 25 percent in the next two decades, a new report says.