Josephine Thinwa shares her journey to becoming a physician scientist and how this led her to investigate the role of a neurologically important kinase in virus-induced autophagy.
Zhijian “James” Chen received this year’s Albert Lasker Award for discovering cGAS, an enzyme which scopes out DNA-based threats and alerts the immune system.
Even as CRISPR-based tools become a lab staple, scientists strive to tackle the associated technological challenges to improve their efficacy and safety.
Ever since its discovery in the 1900s, the production of a potent vaccine adjuvant relied on the Chilean soapbark tree. Now, yeast can make the molecule.
In this webinar, Edward Han, Jospeh Zenga, and Tyce Kearl will discuss how optofluidic technologies unlock key immuno-oncology insights for translational applications.
Maternal immune responses during mice gestation led to a hyperactive population of innate-like immune cells in offspring that contributed to altered lung composition and function.
A more realistic model of the mucus layer that lines the lungs and gut could provide important insights into the function of this critical defensive barrier.
Spectral flow cytometry collects the full emission spectrum of a fluorochrome, enabling multicolor panels with more parameters than conventional flow cytometry.