An illustration showing a tumor in a human colon.
Colorectal Tumors are Born When Stem Cells Die
New research describes the early steps of colorectal tumor formation and lays a foundation for improving diagnosis and treatment of aggressive cancers.
Colorectal Tumors are Born When Stem Cells Die
Colorectal Tumors are Born When Stem Cells Die

New research describes the early steps of colorectal tumor formation and lays a foundation for improving diagnosis and treatment of aggressive cancers.

New research describes the early steps of colorectal tumor formation and lays a foundation for improving diagnosis and treatment of aggressive cancers.


Image of the tissue surrounding a pancreatic tumor thickening and scarring.
How Pancreas Injuries Can Cause Cancer in Mice
Dan Robitzski | Nov 9, 2021 | 4 min read
A key mutation turns healing cells into cancer promoters.