Mariella Bodemeier Loayza Careaga, PhD | Dec 13, 2024 | 10+ min read
In a century, Wolbachia has gone from a master reproductive manipulator to a partner in the fight against pathogens, exemplifying how a microbe can shape hosts and diseases.
While malaria control strategies have focused on mosquitoes’ nocturnal activity, almost one-third of bites occur while the sun is up, a new study estimates.
There have been no reports of health or environmental harm in other locations where genetically modified mosquitoes have been introduced over the last decade.
Researchers use two techniques—Wolbachia infection and irradiation—to suppress reproduction in populations of Asian tiger mosquitoes at two study sites in China.
Researchers can now track the expansion of a resistance mechanism that allows the malaria vector Anopholes funestus to detoxify a key insecticide used on bed nets.
Scientists are getting to closer to developing a technique that can suppress mosquito populations on a continental scale, based on preliminary modeling results.