This year’s crop of winning products features many with a clinical focus and others that represent significant advances in sequencing, single-cell analysis, and more.
2022 Top 10 Innovations
2022 Top 10 Innovations
This year’s crop of winning products features many with a clinical focus and others that represent significant advances in sequencing, single-cell analysis, and more.
This year’s crop of winning products features many with a clinical focus and others that represent significant advances in sequencing, single-cell analysis, and more.
The latest group of winning technologies has a little something for everyone—from scientists at the lab bench to those in the clinic and even the classroom.
The COVID-19 pandemic is still with us. Biomedical innovation has rallied to address that pressing concern while continuing to tackle broader research challenges.
From a rapid molecular test for COVID-19 to tools that can characterize the antibodies produced in the plasma of patients recovering from the disease, this year’s winners reflect the research community’s shared focus in a challenging year.
Researchers have flagged several issues with so-called SmartFlares over the years, and it’s still unclear why they don’t appear to work under certain circumstances.